Session Timetable
We run sessions at the following times Monday to Friday

Breakfast club runs from 8:00am until 8:45am
Morning sessions run from 8:45am until 11:45am
Lunch Club runs from 11:45am until 12:45pm

Afternoon sessions run from 12:45am until 3:45pm
Sessions are offered for a minimum of three hours and a maximum of seven and three quarter hours. Please speak to a member of staff for more information.
We are part of Suffolk County Council's Early Years Funding Scheme. From the term after their third birthday, all children are entitled to receive up to 15 hours of pre-school care, payable by the Council. Families who are in receipt of certain benefits may be eligible to receive government funding for children from the term after they turn two as well as being entitled to 30 free hours funding the term after their 3rd birthday for working parents.
Non-funded sessions are currently charged at a rate of £4.96 per hour for 3 & 4 year olds and £6.24 per hour for under 3's.
Breakfast club runs from 8:00 am until 8:45 am and is charged at £3.60
Lunch Club hour is charged at £4.96 for 3 & 4 year olds and £6.24 for under 3's.
Please note there is a snack charge of 25 pence per session.
As a non profit organisation, we endeavour to keep our fees as low as possible so that the pre-school is available to as many children as possible, for as many sessions possible.
There are additional charges throughout the year for trips and parties. Al parents will be kept up to date with letters, and these will also be listed on the diary page here. Any extra costs will be clearly outlined.
Please note that funded children are only funded for 38 weeks of the year.
We accept childcare vouchers.